Community, it's right in our name. We believe that the Church should be a living thing, a seven day a week community of people trying to care for each other, care for the neighborhood, care for the world, and trying to live out the radical and inclusive love of God in every aspect of our lives.
The Psalmist wrote, "How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1) If we want to build truer and deeper connections with each other, and deeper spiritual connections with the Divine, we think we need to spend time together. Deep community is often lacking in our culture, and we're beginning to suffer from what social scientists are calling "an epidemic of loneliness." That's part of what makes Community House such a counter-cultural place. We believe being together, in all its messiness is worthwhile. And we believe there's room at the table for everyone. Wherever you are, wherever you've been, you can find connection here.

Community Meals
When the earliest churches got together, they gathered around a communal meal. We do the same. Every first Sunday of the month, after church, we don't just have a coffee hour, we have a real community meal. There's something important about the presence of God that happens when bread is broken. Even if you can't make it for church, you're welcome to come and get a bite to eat.
Blessing Box
Community House serves a diverse neighborhood with a wide range of resources and needs. The Blessings Box is a way for our community to share with those who need some extra help. There are currently barriers to government and non-governmental household assistance programs.
The Blessing Box is a low barrier option for those experiencing need to acquire shelf-stable food supplies as well as personal hygien products which are not covered by SNAP.
If you would like to help us keep the box filled, please consider donating from our wish list. Be sure to click on Community House as the delivery address. You can also stop by any time and add to the box. Thank you!

Community House was the first More Light congregation in Pittsburgh, and one of the first in the country. We believe that God is love, and that love is love. We've been participating in Pittsburgh's Pride celebrations for more than twenty years. We're not just there for the parade and the celebration, being an affirming community that reflects the diversity of God's love is central to who we are. We also throw a wonderful brunch, and hold a meaningful worship service that celebrates the gifts of LGBTQIA+ people of faith.

Free Market
Many in our neighborhood and city experience economic hardships with a lack of access to basic resources. The Free Store is open quarterly for our Community Free Market and in special circumstances by appointment with a selection of gently used articles of clothing, shoes, bedding, children’s clothing, housewares, small furniture, new diapers, and new
formula which are all free to those who might need them

Volunteering, Mission, and Service to the Community
We gather regularly to love and serve our community. We serve in the homeless shelters, visit homeless camps, teach, visit, and help celebrate Christmas in the Allegheny County Jail, clean up the neighborhood, and a lot more. There are lots of ways to get connected, and many of our members and leadership are regular volunteers who make a real difference throughout the city. If you want to serve, we can help you get connected.
To learn more about one of the programs were are pleased to support, visit the Northside Common Ministries website:
Naming Ceremonies for the Trans Community
Transitions in life are spiritual moments. We want to help people find the sacred beauty in these significant moments. Too often the changing of a person's name that comes as part of the process of gender transition is done in isolation, with no community surrounding and supporting them. In partnership with the Center for Inclusion Health, we offer ceremonies marking this occasion with joy, hope, and a supportive community. Contact us for more information.